Wiki leaks
In Wikileaks Archives
Canada (2008) Unauthorized wiretaps of Mohawks
exposed how
Ontario Provincial Police used wiretaps on more than a dozen different
Mohawks without a judge’s authorization, after a group of indigenous
people from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory blocked a railway and two
highways to protest conditions on Native reserves across Canada and the
Government of Canada’s sluggishness in resolving outstanding land
claims. sentence.
Denmark (2008) 3863 sites on censorship list
Wikileaks released
the secret Internet censorship list for
Denmark. The list contains 3863 sites blocked by Danish ISPs
participating in Denmark’s censorship scheme as of February 2008. Danish
ISPs "volunteer" to censor their users rather than face legislation and
the top three ISPs are particpants. The system can be used to censor
anything, but is meant to be for child pornography sites found by the
Danish police and the Danish "Save the Children" group. The list is
generated without judicial or public oversight and is kept secret by the
ISPs using it.
Afghanistan (2009) Wikileaks releases NATO report on civilian deaths
released a
confidential NATO report from January 2009, revealed that civilian
deaths from the war in Afghanistan had increased by 46% over the past
year. The report showed a dramatic escalation of the war and civil
disorder. Coalition deaths increased by 35%, assassinations and
kidnappings by 50% and attacks on the Kabul based Government of Hamid
Karzai also more than doubled, rising a massive 119%.
Peru (2009) Peruvian politicians’ and officials’ involvement in the Petrogate scandal
released audio recordings of
Perupetro Vice President Alberto Quimper and Romulo León Alegría, a
prominent member of Garcia’s ruling Aprista party, discussing
under-the-table payments conditioned on Discover Petroleum obtaining oil
exploration concessions. According to the recordings, Quimper, Leon and
Ernesto Arias-Schreiber, the legal representative of Discover in Peru,
were to receive $10,000 monthly in exchange for steering lucrative oil
contracts to the Norwegian oil exploration firm.
scandal, dubbed “petrogate,” led the government to suspend five joint
exploration and development contracts recently awarded to Discover
Petroleum and state-owned oil company Petroperu. The minister of Energy
and Mines, Juan Valdivia, immediately handed in his resignation and only
days later, the whole cabinet and cabinet chief Jorge del Castillo
Colombia (2009) Exposing extra judicial killings and false positives
released documents proving
extra-judicial killings and murder of suspected guerrillas, a reactive
attempt by the Colombian government to execute the death penalty on the
street and eradicate opposing forces such as the FARC-EP in isolated
rural areas within Colombia. The documents mention that a good majority
of the time these suspected guerrillas haven’t even been found guilty of
a crime and are executed on the street before having a fair trial.
material cites that all to often the opposing force are innocent human
casualties as opposed to FARC-EP guerrilla fighters. It is also implied
that police officers and Colombian commandos have engaged in murderous
acts against innocent citizens and in order to cover their crimes have
labeled these victims as combatant guerrilla fighters. The victims
include mothers, children, fathers, students, and rural farmers.
documents also mention the disappearance of individuals investigating
such abuses and corruption. The information underscores a surprisingly
low amount of criminal convictions issued by the courts against police
officers and soldiers who have engaged in ’street justice’ by executing
suspected guerrillas who in fact were innocent casualties of war.
Ivory Coast (2009) Minton report: Trafigura toxic dumping along the Ivory Coast broke EU regulations, 14 Sep 2006
Wikileaks released the so-called
Minton Report into
Trafigura’s dumping of toxic waste along the Ivory Coast, resulting
illness for tens of thousands. The "Minton report" was a document which
exposed a toxic waste dumping incident, which affected upto 108,000
people, according to a September 2009 United Nations report. The report
was commissioned through Waterson & Hicks, a UK law firm, possibly
to claim client-attorney privilege should it leak. The company
concerned, Trafigura, is a giant multi-national oil and commodity
trader. The Minton report assesses an incident involving Trafigura and
the Ivory Coast town of Abidjan—possibly most culpable mass
contamination incident since Bhopal.
DRC (2009) UN finds 217 sex abuse claims against blue helmets
WikiLeaks made available a United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS)
30 Jan 2007 report
titled "Allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse in the Ituri
region, Bunia [ID Case No. 0618-05]" relating to the United Nations
Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
document collected 217 allegations of abuse of girls and women by
peacekeepers in eastern Congo, from sex with teenagers in the back room
of a liquor store to threats of "hacking" victims for cooperating with
investigators. The 2006 investigation found many allegations credible
and said evidence suggests "frequent and ongoing" sexual exploitation in
the region.
Colombia (2008) Assassinated FARC spokesman Raul Reyes Yahoo mailbox
Wikileaks released Assassinated FARC-EP spokesman Raul Reyes
Yahoo mailbox from
December 19, 2007 to May 29, 2008. It contained 708 messages that were
not deleted by the latter date. Elbarcino is a known alias of Reyes and
the address ( appears as a FARC contact for
UN resolution 1612 on child soldiers, as well as two FARC-EP related
websites. Commander Reyes was assassinated by a combined United States
and Colombian government cross-border night air attack inside Ecuador in
early 2008. 20-30 other FARC members were also killed.
Svartholm Warg’s trial begins on Monday 20 May 2013 in Stockholm. This
material includes inter alia the interrogations with GSW and his
co-accused, internal correspondence from the Swedish Foreign Minister
and the Swedish embassy in Cambodia, damage assessment reports by the
companies and the authorities concerned, and correspondence between GSW
and Kristina Svartholm and the Swedish prison authorities.
Kissinger Cables are part of today’s launch of the WikiLeaks Public
Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD), which holds the world’s largest
searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly
confidential, diplomatic communications. As of its launch on April 8,
2013 it holds 2 million records comprising approximately 1 billion
has begun releasing the ’Detainee Policies’: more than 100 classified
or otherwise restricted files from the United States Department of
Defense covering the rules and procedures for detainees in U.S. military
custody. Over the next month, WikiLeaks will release in chronological
order the United States’ military detention policies followed for more
than a decade. The documents include the Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) of detention camps in Iraq and Cuba, interrogation manuals and
Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs) of changes to detainee policies and
procedures. A number of the ’Detainee Policies’ relate to Camp Bucca in
Iraq, but there are also Department of Defense-wide policies and
documents relating to Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and European U.S. Army
Prison facilities.
5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files – more than two
million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated
companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary
data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain names,
including those of the Ministries of Presidential Affairs, Foreign
Affairs, Finance, Information, Transport and Culture. At this time Syria
is undergoing a violent internal conflict that has killed between 6,000
and 15,000 people in the last 18 months. The Syria Files shine a light
on the inner workings of the Syrian government and economy, but they
also reveal how the West and Western companies say one thing and do
Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global
Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas
headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date
between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings
of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides
confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as
Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon
and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland
Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The
emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment
laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Mass interception of entire populations is not only a reality, it is a secret new industry spanning 25 countries
sounds like something out of Hollywood, but as of today, mass
interception systems, built by Western intelligence contractors,
including for ’political opponents’ are a reality.
WikiLeaks began releasing a database of hundreds of documents from as
many as 160 intelligence contractors in the mass surveillance industry.
Working with Bugged Planet and Privacy International, as well as media
organizations form six countries – ARD in Germany, The Bureau of
Investigative Journalism in the UK, The Hindu in India, L’Espresso in
Italy, OWNI in France and the Washington Post in the U.S. Wikileaks is
shining a light on this secret industry that has boomed since September
11, 2001 and is worth billions of dollars per year. WikiLeaks has
released 287 documents today, but the Spy Files project is ongoing and
further information will be released this week and into next year.
You can download torrent archive containing all released files from
thousands of pages of documents dating from 2002 to early 2009 and
never seen before by members of the public or the media, the cases of
the majority of the prisoners held at Guantanamo — 758 out of 779 in
total — are described in detail in memoranda from JTF-GTMO, the Joint
Task Force at Guantanamo Bay, to US Southern Coand in Miami, Florida.
memoranda, which contain JTF-GTMO’s recommendations about whether the
prisoners in question should continue to be held, or should be released
(transferred to their home governments, or to other governments) contain
a wealth of important and previously undisclosed information, including
health assessments, for example, and, in the cases of the majority of
the 171 prisoners who are still held, photos (mostly for the first time
Here you may also download whole GITMO site from torrent.
Sunday 28th November 2010, WikiLeaks began publishing 251,287 leaked
United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents
ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give
people around the world an unprecedented insight into the US
Government’s foreign activities.
Bank of America using Private Intel Firms to Attack Wikileaks
a document titled "The WikiLeaks Threat" three data intelligence
companies, Plantir Technologies, HBGary Federal and Berico Technologies,
outline a plan to attack Wikileaks. They are acting upon request from
Hunton and Williams, a law firm working for Bank of America. The
Department of Justice recommended the law firm to Bank of America
according to
an article in The Tech Herald. The prosed attacks on WikiLeaks according to the slides include these actions:
Feed the fuel between the feuding groups. Disinformation.
Create messages around actions of sabotage or discredit the opposing
organizations. Submit fake documents and then call out the error.
Create concern over the security of the infrastructure. Create exposure stories. If the process is believed not to be secure they are done.
Cyber attacks against the infrastructure to get data on document submitters.
This would kill the project. Since the servers are now in Sweden and
France putting a team together to get access is more straightforward.
Media campaign to push the radial and reckless nature of WikiLeaks activities. Sustain pressure. Does nothing for the fanatics, but creates concern and doubt among moderates.
Search for leaks. Use social media to profile and identify risky behavior of employees.

- Original document converted to PDF
to recent attacks on our infrastructure, we’ve decided to make sure
everyone can reach our content. As part of this process we’re releasing
archived copy of all files we ever released - that’s almost 20,000
files. The archive linked here contains a torrent generated for each
file and each directory.
391,832 reports (’The Iraq War Logs’), document the war and occupation
in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the
months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United
States Army. Each is a ’SIGACT’ or Significant Action in the war. They
detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground
in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the
war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.
You may also download the whole archive
here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been
released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and
many other properties.
You may also download the whole archive
has released a classified US military video depicting the
indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New
Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to
obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success
since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter
gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters
employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue
were also seriously wounded.
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