Saturday, 11 August 2012

Freedom of Information statistics ITSA

Freedom of Information statistics 2010-11
Table 21: FOI requests
FOI requests carried over from previous year 2
Requests received 13
Granted in full 3
Granted in part 7
Refused 1
Transferred 0
Lapsed 0
Requests outstanding at end of year 4
Review of decisions
One request for an internal review was received in 2010-11 with the overall decision 
being upheld.
FOI response times
The following table illustrates the time that elapsed in finalising requests for access. 
It includes matters that were determined or transferred in full.
Table 22: FOI response times
0-30 days 5
31-60 days 1
61-90 days 2
91 or more days 3
Fees and charges
Until 1 November 2010 requests for access to documents under the FOI Act attracted 
a $30 application fee, which might have been remitted in certain circumstances. The Act 
provides for other charges to be imposed, including for the time taken to search for and 
retrieve documents and in making a decision whether to grant access. These charges 
may also be remitted, reduced or waived in certain circumstances.
Table 23: FOI fees and charges
Total application fees received $30
Other fees/charges imposed $200
Information Publication Scheme
From 1 May 2011, agencies subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) 
are required to publish information to the public as part of the Information Publication 
Scheme (IPS).This requirement is in Part II of the FOI Act and has replaced the former 
requirement to publish a Section 8 statement in an annual report. An agency plan 
showing what information is published in accordance with the IPS requirements is 
accessible from agency websites.
ITSA has prepared an IPS plan in accordance with these requirements. The primary 
purpose of this plan is to comply with subsection 8(1) of the FOI Act, and to assist ITSA 
to put appropriate procedures in place to proactively disclose its information holdings, 
in accordance with the objects of the FOI Act. ITSA's objectives in relation to the IPS plan 
are to outline appropriate mechanisms and procedures to:
ƒ manage the information holdings relevant to the IPS
ƒ proactively identify and publish all information required to be published under 
subsection 8(2) of the FOI Act

ƒ proactively identify and publish appropriate optional information under subsection 8(4) 
of the FOI Act
ƒ review and ensure that information published under the IPS is accurate, up-to-date 
and complete, as required by Section 8B of the FOI Act
ƒ ensure that information published under the IPS is discoverable, understandable and, 
to the extent possible, re-useable
ƒ ensure that the format of online content conforms with the Web Content Accessibility 
Guidelines (Version 2)
ƒ evaluate the usefulness and acceptance of ITSA's IPS
ƒ ensure ITSA's clients, stakeholders and the general public are as fully informed as 
possible about ITSA's role and responsibilities and the way its powers are exercised 
and functions performed.
The IPS plan is available on ITSA's website, along with extensive information about ITSA's 
functions and operations

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