Monday 13 February 2012

Letter to the Australia Public Service Commissioner

Steve Sedgwick
Australian Public Service Commissioner
14th February 2012

Dear Steve,
I refer to the Complaint made to the Australia Public Service Commission on the 28th November 2011concerning Systemic Corrupt Conduct at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia. I provided extensive evidence to the Commonwealth Ombudsman . Much of this evidence was in emails confirming conversations with Senior Management at ITSA.
Despite a number of emails I received no adequate response from Karin Fisher until February 2012.
I was then asked to list the breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and Ethics occurring at ITSA that Veronique Ingram had failed discipline.
Mark Findlay is the manger Bankruptcy Regulations. Bankruptcy Regulations is a supposedly independent arm of ITSA and is responsible for compliance of the Bankruptcy Act and the Australian Public Service Act,
Mark Findlay was requested to review David Cooper's file. This also involved serious misconduct by Florence Choo, Deputy Official Receiver NSW and ACT. When he finalised this report he failed to bring any attention to this misconduct. This report was eventually sent to the Prime Minister and the Attorney General.
I was particularly confused why Mark Findlay overlooked the atrocious behavior of Florence Choo. I then was made aware at a latter stage that Mark Findlay had had a sexual relationship with Florence Choo.
How very Funny!!!! I should think this would be considered a conflict of interest don't you commissioner??
I would consider that subsection 7 of the APS Code of Conduct and Ethics was breached...................

   (7)  An APS employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with APS employment.
One bed buddy investigating misconduct of the other...
Holy shit!!!

Also........ The matter of the disappearing emails
Who has been deleting my evidence?????
Someone has hacked into my computer and deleted emails to and from ITSA.
Clearly this could be interpreted and considered an extremely useful Management skill under the Financial Management and Accountability Act!!!!

While preparing evidence for the APS Commission I went to my emails that contained evidence to be given to the APS commission on Systemic Corrupt Conduct at the Insolvency trustee Service Australia.
I was totally surprise to find they had all been deleted from my computer.
How funny............... who is so threatened by me exposing what is occurring at ITSA??? Also how very funny that all the emails deleted where to or from senior staff at ITSA.
One of the emails deleted was to Matthew Osborne Principal Legal Officer at ITSA. It confirmed a conversation with him on the telephone on the 10th February 2010. He confirmed to me that S134(3) gives the discretion to the trustee to breach the Bankruptcy Act and the Inspector General Practice statement 14.
I told him I believed this was not the case. He said “ no” this section gives a trustee the discretion on the Bankruptcy Act. He went on to to me how to handle a matter of non-compliance of a bankrupt. I also asked him if this section also gave discretion to senior Management to mislead creditors. He also said “yes”. An email confirming this conversation to Mark Findlay has also disappeared!!!...... and so have all the other ones.......... How very peculiar !!!!
How funny............ Is this the way the APS Commission considers that Government Agencies should cleanup their act........... by deleting evidence from the computers of people who complain about them????
I wonder who in the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia has links to Cyber crime!!!!
However, I do know the extensive list of Senior Management at ITSA and ex-employees who would have a motive to delete these emails!!!! Is ITSA setting new management skills that could be acquired by all other Commonwealth Departments
TOOOOOOO funny..... Good try from all the wonderful staff at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia.
Fiona Brown

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