Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Memo to all staff

Memo to all staff

To all staff,
You all know who I am referring to when I say not enough effort has gone into covering up evidence of systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA. I will remind the senior management of their individual enterprise agreement that requires such troublesome evidence be eliminated.
I am aware that it has been necessary to hack into Ms Brown's Hotmail account and delete a series of damming emails but I honestly am aware that the process was not carried out correctly and she still retains this evidence.
Apart from sending an assassin around to her place to silence her it is honestly causing me great concern and am asking senior management for their recommendations of now what should be done.
As I am quite new to this position , I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has a solution to this “problem”
All emails will be in strict confidentiality.


Your Leader

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Annual Budgets APS and ITSA

How very funny.... the Federal Government gives the APS Commission a budget of 104 million to cover-up systemic corrupt conduct in Government Agencies and gives ITSA  a 43 million budget to make a shit mess of the Bankruptcy Act............... How funny...................... the APS must consider they cover-up heaps of SHIT.............. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

33 Agency Heads referred to the APS Commission

There were 33 Agency Heads referred to the APS Commission in the past financial year .
I am concerned, considering the effort that is necessary to have the Agency Head referred to the APS Commissioner and considering it is also a practice of the APS Commission to delete any complaints about Government Agencies that are not to the Commissions apparent liking it is unfortunate that the APS have failed to publish these names.
Also I think it is also necessary to ask FOI to realease the names of those on the Australian Public Service Audit Committee internal Audit Committee. The Head of ITSA Veronique Ingram has Adam Toma on its Audit Committee. How funny …. its always very helpful to have a person pushing and promoting systemic corrupt conduct on the Audit Committee.
Adam Toma…. National Manager Regulations and Enforcement, who thinks S134(3) gives discretion to breach the Bankruptcy Act and the APS Act and gives Mark Findlay the disgretion to overlook atrocious conduct by Florence Choo who was Mark Findlay’s bed buddy……………… How very funny
Fucking HELL………………
View profileTo foi@apsc.gov.au
From: fiona brown (fionabrown01@hotmail.com)
Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012 12:30:55 PM
To: foi@apsc.gov.au
Hi Chris,
Thank you for this.
I will be specific what I want.
I want all the names of the Agency Heads referred to the APS Commission under S41 in the past financial year and also the names of the Agency Heads referred to the APS by whistleblowers. I am also wondering why the names of these Agency heads were no included into the Annual report??.
From: FOI@apsc.gov.au
To: fionabrown01@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:39:58 +1100
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request
Dear Ms Brown,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information (FOI) request below dated 11 February. The timeframe for responding to your FOI request is 30 days.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 the timeframe for responding to an FOI request is extended by a further 30 days if an agency decides it is necessary to consult with any third party about the release of his or her personal information. We will notify you if these circumstances arise.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your FOI request.
Chris Luton
FOI Officer
Australian Public Service Commission
p : 02 6202 3571 | f : 02 6250 4437
e : chris.luton@apsc.gov.au | w : www.apsc.gov.au

Monday, 13 February 2012

Letter to the Australia Public Service Commissioner

Steve Sedgwick
Australian Public Service Commissioner
14th February 2012

Dear Steve,
I refer to the Complaint made to the Australia Public Service Commission on the 28th November 2011concerning Systemic Corrupt Conduct at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia. I provided extensive evidence to the Commonwealth Ombudsman . Much of this evidence was in emails confirming conversations with Senior Management at ITSA.
Despite a number of emails I received no adequate response from Karin Fisher until February 2012.
I was then asked to list the breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and Ethics occurring at ITSA that Veronique Ingram had failed discipline.
Mark Findlay is the manger Bankruptcy Regulations. Bankruptcy Regulations is a supposedly independent arm of ITSA and is responsible for compliance of the Bankruptcy Act and the Australian Public Service Act,
Mark Findlay was requested to review David Cooper's file. This also involved serious misconduct by Florence Choo, Deputy Official Receiver NSW and ACT. When he finalised this report he failed to bring any attention to this misconduct. This report was eventually sent to the Prime Minister and the Attorney General.
I was particularly confused why Mark Findlay overlooked the atrocious behavior of Florence Choo. I then was made aware at a latter stage that Mark Findlay had had a sexual relationship with Florence Choo.
How very Funny!!!! I should think this would be considered a conflict of interest don't you commissioner??
I would consider that subsection 7 of the APS Code of Conduct and Ethics was breached...................

   (7)  An APS employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with APS employment.
One bed buddy investigating misconduct of the other...
Holy shit!!!

Also........ The matter of the disappearing emails
Who has been deleting my evidence?????
Someone has hacked into my computer and deleted emails to and from ITSA.
Clearly this could be interpreted and considered an extremely useful Management skill under the Financial Management and Accountability Act!!!!

While preparing evidence for the APS Commission I went to my emails that contained evidence to be given to the APS commission on Systemic Corrupt Conduct at the Insolvency trustee Service Australia.
I was totally surprise to find they had all been deleted from my computer.
How funny............... who is so threatened by me exposing what is occurring at ITSA??? Also how very funny that all the emails deleted where to or from senior staff at ITSA.
One of the emails deleted was to Matthew Osborne Principal Legal Officer at ITSA. It confirmed a conversation with him on the telephone on the 10th February 2010. He confirmed to me that S134(3) gives the discretion to the trustee to breach the Bankruptcy Act and the Inspector General Practice statement 14.
I told him I believed this was not the case. He said “ no” this section gives a trustee the discretion on the Bankruptcy Act. He went on to to me how to handle a matter of non-compliance of a bankrupt. I also asked him if this section also gave discretion to senior Management to mislead creditors. He also said “yes”. An email confirming this conversation to Mark Findlay has also disappeared!!!...... and so have all the other ones.......... How very peculiar !!!!
How funny............ Is this the way the APS Commission considers that Government Agencies should cleanup their act........... by deleting evidence from the computers of people who complain about them????
I wonder who in the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia has links to Cyber crime!!!!
However, I do know the extensive list of Senior Management at ITSA and ex-employees who would have a motive to delete these emails!!!! Is ITSA setting new management skills that could be acquired by all other Commonwealth Departments
TOOOOOOO funny..... Good try from all the wonderful staff at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia.
Fiona Brown

Friday, 10 February 2012

FOI APS Commission


Freedom of Information request, Australian Public Service Commission

From: fionabrown01@hotmail.com
To: ethics@apsc.gov.au
Subject: Freedom of Information
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 06:09:20 +1100

 To whom it may concern,
I am applying to the APS Commission to  get a copy of the names of the  Agency Heads that were referred to the APS in the financial year 2010-2011 under section 41(1( (f). This would be under freedom of information.
I am sure you will not have a problem supplying them to me.
Please advise me who I should contact  concerning this.
Re your annual report.....
The Commissioner also handled 16 allegations against agency heads made by APS employees and members of the public under section 41 (1)(f) of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act).  The complaints commonly featured allegations that agency decision-makers had failed to comply with the legislative obligations or not exercised their decision-making powers properly.  Only one of the ten cases finalised warranted an inquiry.
Thank you
Fiona Brown 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Statistics for the APS Commission

Table 4: Whistleblowing reports received by the Public Service Commissioner, 2010–11

Number of reports

On hand at the start of the reporting period
On hand at the end of the reporting period
Source of reports

Current APS employees
Former APS employees
Action by Commissioner

Referred to agency head for consideration
Investigated under whistleblowing powers
No further action or referred elsewhere

No transparency at the APS Commission

No accountability or transparency by the Australian Public Service Commission

Where is the transparency at the Australian Public Service Commission?
Why have the APS Commission failed to name the Government Agencies referred to the APS Commission.?????
How did they deal with these complaints???
There was no complaints made to the APS Commission in the financial year other than APS employees or ex employees.
The negativity I experienced when having Veronique Ingram and Alison Larkins referred to the APS Commission is confronting. It is clear that the APS Commission discourage such complaints.
1.Ihave the evidence in a 1,000 page file of the systemic corrupt conduct by senior Management at ITSA. Veronique Ingram is aware of this and as Agency Head has failed to act accordingly.
1.III have the evidence that the Commonwealth Ombudsman has spent enormous resources attempting to cover this up.
1.III I now have the evidence that I experienced having this referred to the APS Commission in emails.
Where is the BLOODY accountability in Government Agencies????? .
Steve Sedgwick, APS Commissioner is failing to have the APS Code of Conduct and Ethics enforced in Government Departments because he has failed to put the appropriate accountability in place.
It is even more difficult when Veronique Ingram is aware that Adam Toma is promoting Systemic Corrupt Conduct on ITSA’s internal Audit Committee.
How will Steve Sedgwick cover up my complaint when I have so much EVIDENCE????
Table 4: Whistleblowing reports received by the Public Service Commissioner, 2010–11

Number of reports

On hand at the start of the reporting period
On hand at the end of the reporting period
Source of reports

Current APS employees
Former APS employees
Action by Commissioner

Referred to agency head for consideration
Investigated under whistleblowing powers
No further action or referred elsewhere

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

APS Commission, get the BLOODY file from the Commonwealth Ombudsman

APS Commission, get the bloody file from the Commonwealth Ombudsman

This is specifically for the those in the Australian Public Service Commission ,particularly Steve Sedgwick. I refer to the email sent to me yesterday.
Do not refer to these as ‘Allegations”
The APS Act makes Veronique Ingram and Alison Larkins responsible for ensuring the code of conduct is upheld in the respective Government Department. The APS is aware of this.
How many times do I need to tell the APS Commission that evidence of systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA is in the file being held at the Commonwealth Ombudsman. Canberra is not such a large place. Go and get the file which is approximately 1’000 pages.
I understand the APS does not want to expose these two Senior Public Servants and would also prefer to have this matter covered up.
How much evidence do you want me to provide that ITSA is using section 134(3) and this is being instigated by the Principal Legal Officer??? How much more evidence would you like me to provide??? The Commonwealth Ombudsman would have notified her of this!!!

ITSA deliberately misled the Ombudsman and then the Ombudsman covered this up. This is a breach of S15 of the Ombudsman’s Act and a breach of the APS Code of Conduct. Is there a problem with the APS Commission understanding this ?????
Evidence in the File.
Any conversation or meeting I had with senior Management at ITSA that concerned me was to be dealt with in the following way….
I was to leave a signed statement at reception of ITSA cnr Park and Elizabeth st Sydney in an envelope. I was to take a note of the person who I left it with and if possible get their name. When I got in the lift I made a note of the exact time. I then sent the senior staff member at ITSA an email notifying them of my statement. This gave the person the opportunity to recant or correct the situation if they felt it was incorrect. This was then to be placed in my file which was in chronological order.
On other occasions the statement was sent to the senior staff member of ITSA by registered post which was signed for on delivery. This was then to be put into my file.
On another occasions an email was sent confirming the conversation as with the Principal Legal Officer Mathew Osborne on the 10th February 2010. I also confirmed this conversation with Mark Findlay.
The FMA Act requires the Veronique Ingram to form an internal Audit committee. Veronique Ingram has been made aware that Adam Toma is promoting corrupt conduct at ITSA and has failed to act accordingly. In fact all the Senior staff at ITSA has been informed by the senior Legal adviser to do this. Adam Toma has been promoted by Veronique Ingram to the Internal Audit Committee. Corrupt conduct on the internal Audit committee is very helpful to Veronique Ingram in helping her achieve targets. This also distorts ITSA’s statistics in their Annual report.
I was then told by ITSA if I did not like their conduct I should take it to the Commonwealth Ombudsman. The Attorney Generals department was given a copy of this file. I was advised by them this should go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
I was then advise that I should never speak to the Commonwealth Ombudsman by phone. All correspondence should be in email so I had this as evidence. I went to extensive lengths to explain what was occurring at ITSA and how Veronique Ingram was failing in her responsibility as Inspector General at ITSA.
So Steve Sedgwick, instead of trying to cover this up and hoping this will go away I will tell you it is not.
Do not try and discredit my evidence.
ITSA had the opportunity at the time to correct this however they did not.
All correspondence with the Commonwealth Ombudsman was by email so I have this as evidence.
All correspondence with the APS Commission in now in email so I have this as my evidence
Get the file from the Commonwealth Ombudsman and go through it.
OH My GOD, How many times do I need to explain this to Public Servants??????????????
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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Email to Governor General Quentin Bryce

Email to the Governor General RE Alison Larkins

Quentin Bryce
Governor General
Dear Governor General,
I understand the you will be appointing a new Commonwealth Ombudsman in the near future.
This is to be on the recommendation of the Australian Government .
I understand the selection process is being facilitated by a professional selection agency. The selection process is to asses the candidates against set selection criteria.
I have also been informed the APS Commissioner is to be represented on the selection panel and could bring to the attention of the panel any substantial information of relevant investigations of candidates However, I am not at all confident that I have any assurance that the APS Commission would carry this out .
The role of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is to safeguard the Community in its dealings with Australian Government Agencies.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s office handles complaints, conducts investigations performs audits and inspections,encourages good administration and carries out specialist oversight tasks.
Section 15 of the Commonwealth Ombudsman Act requires that the relevant Government Minister be notified of any systemic corrupt conduct in a particular Government Agency
At present Alison Larkins is the Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman after the resignation of Allan Asher because of conduct which was not considered impartial.
Extensive evidence was given to the Commonwealth Ombudsman in November 2010 of systemic corrupt conduct by senior management at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia. This is the Government Agency that administers the Bankruptcy Act.
Instead of exposing this the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal with this agency to cover this up. The acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Alison Larkins was aware of this and failed to act. This makes Alison Larkins unfit to act as the Commonwealth Ombudsman and also to hold her position as Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman.
I have no confidence in the APS Commissioner Steve Sedgwick. This was brought to the attention of the APS in early December.
Although I requested an update on this at regular intervals Karin Fisher refused to reply to me. This clearly made me very uneasy that the APS Commission was also attempting to cover this up.
This clearly shows a complete breakdown in accountability in the Australian Public Service.
It is absolutely atrocious that The Commonwealth Ombudsman made a deal to coverup misconduct at the Insolvency trustee Service Australia and the difficulty I faced when I first contacted the APS Commission in regard to this was also atrocious. I am quite sure the APS Commissioner would have disregarded my complaint if I had not brought it to the attention of so many people and posted it on my blog.
Any letter of complaint are shuffled between Government Agencies with no resolution . This can not be seen as proper Government practice.
Alison Larkins, Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman has wasted an enormous amount of resources attempting to justify this conduct where there is definitely no justification.
I am requesting that you personally assure that the next Commonwealth Ombudsman is NOT Alison Larkins and have the APS Commission remove her from her current position of Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman.
I am also asking that you make Steve Sedgwick accountable.
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Email to Prime Minister and Cabinet RE Alison Larkins

  • RE: Commonwealth Ombudsman position‏

  • 12:21 PM
    To renee.leon@pmc.gov.au
    From:fiona brown (fionabrown01@hotmail.com)
    Sent:Sunday, 5 February 2012 12:21:13 PM
    To: renee.leon@pmc.gov.au
    Hi Renee,
    I am just following up on my request for the contact details of the person or people that are considering the applications for the position of Commonwealth Ombudsman . I am sure you are aware Alison Larkins has been referred to the Australian Public Service Commission for covering up systemic corrupt conduct at the  Insolvency Trustee Service Australia. This is the Government Agency that regulates the bankruptcy Act.
    I am certain that Steve Sedgwick the APS Commissioner will attempt to cover this up, so I am asking that I be given the details .
    If you can supply me with an email that will be satisfactory.
    Thanking you
    Fiona Brown