Tuesday 10 January 2012

Letter to Luke Phelps Commonwealth Ombudsman

Dear Luke,
I have received your letter today.
Again the Commonwealth Ombudsman  is attempting to try and coverup my complaint.
I will put it simply to you.............
I gave extensive evidence of the corrupt conduct by senior management at ITSA. You have told the Commonwealth Ombudsman believes that breaches of Australian law is acceptable by Commonwealth Agencies.

I remind you of the APS Act and the MFA Act both  by which the Commonwealth Ombudsman is bound

I also note you failed to supply me with a list of the shortcomings of ITSA identified by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
 The Commonwealth Ombudsman have continuously attempted to close this matter and coverup systemic corrupt Conduct by Veronique Ingram and senior Staff . 
Under the FMA Act s46 Veronique Ingram was to form an Audit Committee. Part  of this committee is Adam Toma.  The Commonwealth Ombudsman was given evidence of systemic corruption by the National Manager Regulations and Enforcement. So the Commonwealth Ombudsman is protecting this conduct in very high places
The Commonwealth Ombudsman has made a decision to cover this up. If you covered it up at ITSA then the Commonwealth Ombudsman is covering up systemic corruption in all Government Agencies.
 What a deep hole of Shit Alison Larkins is getting herself into.
She will be fortunate to hold her position after this is finished. I Do not think it looks good on the internet that the acting Commonwealth Ombudsman is prepared to cover up corrupt conduct
I will remind you again that the Ombudsman is required under section 15  of the Ombudsman to report  systemic corruption  to the Attorney General.
How very funny........ the Commonwealth Ombudsman says it is acceptable for Australian Public Servants to breach the the APS Act..................
What  a lot of shit!!
Alison Larkins and Veronique Ingram have both been referred to the Australian Public Service Commissioner for breaches of the APS Act. Since Alison Larkins did a deal to cover-up systemic corruption at ITSA I am of the opinion she will also attempt to do a deal with the Commissioner.
Don't bother to try and close this matter as it shows contempt by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
I now can see that the Commonwealth Ombudsman only achieve their targets by covering up corruption and failing to expose it.
How  funny also.................... how much money has the Commonwealth Ombudsman wasted trying to defend their decision that  to coverup this conduct!!!!!!!!!! and to think Allan Asher wanted the budget of the Commonwealth Ombudsman to be increased.............. What a lot of shit.
Go ahead.. knock yourself out. Fortunately I was told how to collect all my evidence so there is not much the Commonwealth Ombudsman can do to stop this on the internet............... but you can make my day and have it all opened up in court............ there is no way that ITSA or the Commonwealth Ombudsman would want it exposed that the Commonwealth Ombudsman and ITSA are assisting Bankrupts to fail to meet their obligations and commit fraud  under the Bankruptcy Act. Mathew Osbourne is advising senior staff at ITSA that section 134(3) is to be used to  assist bankrupts  breach the Bankruptcy Act and mislead creditors.
Again.. Make my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fiona Brown

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