Saturday, 31 December 2011

Alison Larkins protecting corrupt Conduct on ITSA's Audit Committee

Alison Larkins, acting Commonwealth Ombudsman is protecting corrupt conduct by Adam Toma who is on ITSA'S Audit Committee.
If there is corrupt conduct on this committee then you can be sure the whole system is corrupt.
How many other Agencies is she doing the same for????
This clearly shows she is unfit for the position of Ombudsman and also deputy Ombudsman.
How long has the Ombudsman been protecting corrupt conduct by Government Agencies???? Is part of their policy that this is done for the Government to restrict liability????
If the Commonwealth Ombudsman protects such atrocious systemic conduct by an individual on the Audit Committee what else are they covering up.
What is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up at ASIC???????????
It is time to get rid of senior Management at the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Alan Asher was made to resign because of unethical behavior and less than 2 months latter Alison Larkins is doing exactly the same. This also exposes the unethical behavior entrenched at the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Senator John Williams/bushpig frrom Inverell

senator John Williams/ Bushpig from Inverell

What Is the matter with the bush pig from Inverell??
He is aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to coverup systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to protect the misconduct of Veronique Ingram , Mathew Osborne,Principal legal Officer , Mark Findlay , Bankruptcy Regulation, Julie Padgett NSW Manager BFI and Adam Toma , National Manager Enforcement and Regulations.
And now I discover……………….Holy shit…………Adam Toma is on ITSA’s Audit Committee………………. What the FUCK???????????????????
What is Senator John Williams hiding???????????
He is now aware of the gross corrupt conduct at ITSA that the Commonwealth Ombudsman are trying to coverup.
If this was exposed the liability to the Government would be enormous!!!!
Again………… What the Fuck????????????
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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Complaints/Corrupt Conduct by Auditor Committee at ITSA

Itsa has a corrupt member on the Audit commitee.
This conduct by Adam Toma was covered up by Alison Larkins, Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman on the 11th November 2011.
If the level of corupt conduct  by senior Management was exposed  this would have serious implications for the Australian Government and expose them to enormous liability.
The following is a table of  complaints over the financial year.
What a lot of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Toma is Mark Findlay's Boss.....................Adam Toma  is on ITSA's Audit Comittee and protecting corrupt conduct at ITSA. Mark Findlay then replies to complaints  to coverup corrupt conduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act................. WHAT THE FUCK?????????????
If you do not like the response from Bankruptcy regulation, and taking into account Mark Findlay's boss Adam Toma is on ITSA's Audit Committee then ITSA says go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman................. Again what the Fuck................. despite extensive evidence of corrupt conduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act they make a deal with ITSA to also cover it up .
Table 40: Complaints
Shows complaints lodged with ITSA about registered trustees, the Official Trustee and registered debt agreement administrators.

Registered debt agreement administrators
Complaints received





Complaints investigated





Complaints not investigated





Complaints justified





Adam Toma/Audit Committee at ITSA promoting corrupt Conduct

Adam Toma National Manager Enforcement and Regulations is part of the Audit Committee at ITSA. Veronique Ingram is aware he is promoting corrupt conduct on this board. How many of the other board member are also corrupt and the Inspector General is aware of this??
I have the evidence of Adam Toma's corrupt conduct .
This is why ITSA can do nothing about these bloggs. If they take me to court it will expose them. If the Audit committee had done their job correctly it would not have been necessary for the Ombudsman to identify the shortcomings of ITSA. Instead of exposing this the Ombudsman did a deal to cover this up.
Adam Toma is promoting corrupt conduct, therefore is 
Peter McQuoid, Peter Kennedy,Pat Tragauer and also Andrew Robninson doing the same????
What a lot of shit!!!!!!!
Audit Committee
ITSA’s Audit Committee advises the Chief Executive and the National Management Board on a range of audit and financial practice matters. In addition to considering the results of the various internal and external audits and, importantly, the action subsequently taken to respond to and implement auditors’ recommendations, the committee monitors the application of, and compliance with, systems and frameworks for ensuring high levels of internal control, financial reporting, risk management and fraud control.
The Audit Committee has three members: an independent (external) Chairman and two ITSA senior executives.
The Audit Committee membership for the relevant periods of the 2010–11 financial year were as follows:
  • Mr Peter Kennedy PSM (Independent Chairman) – July to September 2010
  • Mr Peter McQuoid (Independent Chairman) – September 2010 – June 2011
  • Adam Toma (National Manager, Trustee Services and Audit Committee Member) –
    July 2010 – June 2011
  • Pat Tragauer (Business Manager, Information and Registries and Audit Committee Member) – July 2010 – June 2011
  • Andrew Robinson (National Manager, Information and Registries and Audit Committee Member) – January to June 2011.
Following a competitive tender process, ITSA awarded a contract to a new internal audit provider, Moore Stephens, in September 2010. Committee meetings ordinarily are attended by ITSA’s internal auditors (KPMG until September 2010 and Moore Stephens from September 2010), ITSA’s Corporate Strategy and Support National Manager, the Chief Finance Officer, and the Finance Manager. Australian National Audit Office representatives attend as observers.
Internal Audits completed during 2010-11 tested both compliance and performance in a range of areas, including payroll, cash handling, and business continuity planning. Prior to the commencement of the new service provider, Internal Audit also conducted reviews in the areas of Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Act preparedness, Workflow Management Solutions Options Analysis, and the Enforcement Management Assurance Framework.
As a performance improvement initiative during 2010-11, the Committee engaged the Institute of Internal Auditors to conduct a Quality Assessment of the Internal Audit function at ITSA. The results of this review have informed continuing improvements in the delivery of internal audit services at ITSA

Friday, 23 December 2011

Statistics on the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Following is the statistics for the Commonweath Ombudsman.
Instead of reperting to the minister category 4 cases have had a deal done with the respective Government Agency to cover up the Complaint

Explanations of terms used in Appendix 3
Approaches/complaints finalised—approaches/complaints finalised in 2009–10, including some complaints carried over from previous years
Approaches/complaints received—approaches/complaints received in 2009–10
Category 1—resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2—cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3—investigation conducted and agency contacted
Category 4—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 3
Category 5—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 4; involves formal reporting processes
Issues—approaches/complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring a separate decision as to whether to investigate; each issue may result in a separate outcome
Remedies—complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies
Table A1: Approaches and complaints about Australian Government agencies, received and finalised, and remedies 2009–10

TotalNo InvestigationInvestigatedAction expeditedApologyDecision changed or reconsideredDisciplinary actionExplanationFinancial remedyLaw, policy or practice changedOther non-financial remedyRemedy provided by agency without Ombudsman interventionTotal
Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Total
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Australian Fisheries Management Authority4121--4----------
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority2-1-1-2----1----1
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service45208114-43325-14-3-128
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation1--1--1----1----1
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry1937292344114-23251-37
National Rural Advisory Council1----------------
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation2-2---2----------
Administrative Appeals Tribunal296192--27----------
Administrative Review Council2-2---2----------
Attorney-General's Department36161352-362-1-5----8
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity1---1-11--------1
Australian Crime Commission734---7----------
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service985426159-104311-1823--28
Australian Human Rights Commission1569---15----------
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre522---4----------
Classification Board1-1---1----------
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia69292268-6562--12-21124
National Capital Authority1----------------
National Native Title Tribunal1-2---2----------
Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions631-2-6--2-2----4
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Australia Post2,6267901,25149753-2,59172885024400151121137917
Australian Broadcasting Corporation7151--71---1----2
Australian Communications and Media Authority33111841-3431--8---113
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy15564--152---5--1-8
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency1533155221-109813-49--227
Commonwealth Parliamentary Services
Department of Parliamentary Services2-2---2----------
Family Court of Australia4523174--44----------
Federal Court of Australia6411--6----------
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia161111--13----------
High Court of Australia8141--6----------
Australian Army11137452010-112416-151-1129
Australian Army Cadets2121--4----1----1
Australian Navy Cadets1-1---1----------
Australian War Memorial1--1--1----------
Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority7115--711--3----5
Defence Housing Australia31151073-35----3--1-4
Department of Defence1766160388-167826-242---42
Department of Veterans' Affairs16752524420-1686312-207-4-52
Royal Australian Air Force391219111-43--1-72-1-11
Royal Australian Navy431015124-41642-71---20
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority2--1--1----1----1
The Australian National University11652--13--2-1----3
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations47919512814724-4949714-9618575161
Fair Work Australia61211-5----------
Fair Work Ombudsman5318275-151-1--2-1--4
Office of the Workplace Ombudsman41511-8----2----2
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority1-1---1----------
Workplace Authority413213-1910-1-5--1-17
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Australian Antarctic Division622---4----------
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts3411391414421-345224--3915778102
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority321---3----------
Murray–Darling Basin Authority1-1---1----------
National Gallery of Australia11----1----------
National Library of Australia1-2---2----------
Screen Australia4-2-1-311--1----3
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Aboriginal Hostels Limited9531--9----1----1
Anindilyakwa Land Council5-1---1----------
Central Land Council1--21-3----2----2
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs1862437923111851855-11325112161
Indigenous Business Australia716211111-2-2--1-6
Indigenous Land Corporation--1-1-2-----1---1
Northern Land Council12124--7----1--2-3
Registrar of Indigenous Corporations9163--10----3----3
Social Security Appeals Tribunal86343812--842-1-6----9
Tiwi Land Council----1-1----3----3
Finance and Deregulation
Australian Electoral Commission157422-152---2----4
Commissioner for Superannuation (ComSuper)2991553-323-3-5----11
Department of Finance and Deregulation454158223151--3----9
Future Fund Management Agency1-1---1----------
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)4112--4----2----2
Australian Trade Commission522-1-5----------
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade1317029243-126614-16-12-30
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation----1-1----------
Health and Ageing
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd (The)--1---1----------
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency211---2----------
Australian Sports Commission62211-6----1----1
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority8412--7--1----1-2
Department of Health and Ageing12456384413-1511115-37373269
Food Standards Australia New Zealand11----1----------
National Health and Medical Research Council11----1----------
Office of the Aged Care Commissioner5-16--7----------
Professional Services Review2-2---2----------
Human Services
Child Support Agency2,2801,17647849714512,297133997236490651745461,003
Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service18106---16----------
Department of Human Services211-1-31---1----2
Health Services Australia1-1---1----------
Medicare Australia17190453141171462-19324242
Immigration and Citizenship
Department of Immigration and Citizenship1,6005605124567111,600483041-102791913269
Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal196102--18----1----1
Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority1611411-1711-----1-3
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Airservices Australia122821-13--1-3-11-6
Australian Maritime Safety Authority1-11--211-------2
Australian Rail Track Corporation1----------------
Civil Aviation Safety Authority202825-1712--5-1--9
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government43161443-37211-5--1-10
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies11----1----------
Australian Research Council3-111-3----1-1--2
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation2211--4----1----1
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research671939721681-3-261--13
IP Australia1669---15----------
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian Public Service Commission61411-71---2----3
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet15564--15111-2-1--6
Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief11----1----------
National Archives of Australia851---6----------
Office of the Privacy Commissioner662040101-71--1-6----7
Resources, Energy and Tourism
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism1---1-1------2--2
Snowy Hydro Limited--1---1----------
Australian Bureau of Statistics51311161-49-21-3--118
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission328794-28----5--1-6
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority1665657583-1743-4-31525454
Australian Securities and Investments Commission15849693510-163147-82-4-26
Australian Taxation Office1,810504942114202-1,76231309-834652551280
Department of the Treasury72141-8-1--1--2-4
National Competition Council11----1----------
Productivity Commission11----1----------
Royal Australian Mint11----1----------
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal67133916--681---6----7
Tax Agents Board63--2-5----1----1
Tax Practitioner's Board31----1----------
Australian Federal Police21962682011116212226113128
Private Postal Operators113611-11----11---2
ACT Government Agencies67636716610918-6601164321221170
Approaches about Out-of-jurisdiction agencies/requests for information19,15518,787363---19,150

Commonwealth Ombudsman statistics

Following is the statistics for the Commonweath Ombudsman.
Instead of reperting to the minister category 4 cases have had a deal done with the respective Government Agency to cover up the Complaint

Explanations of terms used in Appendix 3
Approaches/complaints finalised—approaches/complaints finalised in 2009–10, including some complaints carried over from previous years
Approaches/complaints received—approaches/complaints received in 2009–10
Category 1—resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2—cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3—investigation conducted and agency contacted
Category 4—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 3
Category 5—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 4; involves formal reporting processes
Issues—approaches/complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring a separate decision as to whether to investigate; each issue may result in a separate outcome
Remedies—complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies
Table A1: Approaches and complaints about Australian Government agencies, received and finalised, and remedies 2009–10

TotalNo InvestigationInvestigatedAction expeditedApologyDecision changed or reconsideredDisciplinary actionExplanationFinancial remedyLaw, policy or practice changedOther non-financial remedyRemedy provided by agency without Ombudsman interventionTotal
Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Total
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Australian Fisheries Management Authority4121--4----------
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority2-1-1-2----1----1
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service45208114-43325-14-3-128
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation1--1--1----1----1
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry1937292344114-23251-37
National Rural Advisory Council1----------------
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation2-2---2----------
Administrative Appeals Tribunal296192--27----------
Administrative Review Council2-2---2----------
Attorney-General's Department36161352-362-1-5----8
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity1---1-11--------1
Australian Crime Commission734---7----------
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service985426159-104311-1823--28
Australian Human Rights Commission1569---15----------
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre522---4----------
Classification Board1-1---1----------
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia69292268-6562--12-21124
National Capital Authority1----------------
National Native Title Tribunal1-2---2----------
Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions631-2-6--2-2----4
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Australia Post2,6267901,25149753-2,59172885024400151121137917
Australian Broadcasting Corporation7151--71---1----2
Australian Communications and Media Authority33111841-3431--8---113
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy15564--152---5--1-8
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency1533155221-109813-49--227
Commonwealth Parliamentary Services
Department of Parliamentary Services2-2---2----------
Family Court of Australia4523174--44----------
Federal Court of Australia6411--6----------
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia161111--13----------
High Court of Australia8141--6----------
Australian Army11137452010-112416-151-1129
Australian Army Cadets2121--4----1----1
Australian Navy Cadets1-1---1----------
Australian War Memorial1--1--1----------
Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority7115--711--3----5
Defence Housing Australia31151073-35----3--1-4
Department of Defence1766160388-167826-242---42
Department of Veterans' Affairs16752524420-1686312-207-4-52
Royal Australian Air Force391219111-43--1-72-1-11
Royal Australian Navy431015124-41642-71---20
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority2--1--1----1----1
The Australian National University11652--13--2-1----3
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations47919512814724-4949714-9618575161
Fair Work Australia61211-5----------
Fair Work Ombudsman5318275-151-1--2-1--4
Office of the Workplace Ombudsman41511-8----2----2
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority1-1---1----------
Workplace Authority413213-1910-1-5--1-17
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Australian Antarctic Division622---4----------
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts3411391414421-345224--3915778102
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority321---3----------
Murray–Darling Basin Authority1-1---1----------
National Gallery of Australia11----1----------
National Library of Australia1-2---2----------
Screen Australia4-2-1-311--1----3
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Aboriginal Hostels Limited9531--9----1----1
Anindilyakwa Land Council5-1---1----------
Central Land Council1--21-3----2----2
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs1862437923111851855-11325112161
Indigenous Business Australia716211111-2-2--1-6
Indigenous Land Corporation--1-1-2-----1---1
Northern Land Council12124--7----1--2-3
Registrar of Indigenous Corporations9163--10----3----3
Social Security Appeals Tribunal86343812--842-1-6----9
Tiwi Land Council----1-1----3----3
Finance and Deregulation
Australian Electoral Commission157422-152---2----4
Commissioner for Superannuation (ComSuper)2991553-323-3-5----11
Department of Finance and Deregulation454158223151--3----9
Future Fund Management Agency1-1---1----------
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)4112--4----2----2
Australian Trade Commission522-1-5----------
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade1317029243-126614-16-12-30
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation----1-1----------
Health and Ageing
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd (The)--1---1----------
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency211---2----------
Australian Sports Commission62211-6----1----1
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority8412--7--1----1-2
Department of Health and Ageing12456384413-1511115-37373269
Food Standards Australia New Zealand11----1----------
National Health and Medical Research Council11----1----------
Office of the Aged Care Commissioner5-16--7----------
Professional Services Review2-2---2----------
Human Services
Child Support Agency2,2801,17647849714512,297133997236490651745461,003
Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service18106---16----------
Department of Human Services211-1-31---1----2
Health Services Australia1-1---1----------
Medicare Australia17190453141171462-19324242
Immigration and Citizenship
Department of Immigration and Citizenship1,6005605124567111,600483041-102791913269
Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal196102--18----1----1
Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority1611411-1711-----1-3
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Airservices Australia122821-13--1-3-11-6
Australian Maritime Safety Authority1-11--211-------2
Australian Rail Track Corporation1----------------
Civil Aviation Safety Authority202825-1712--5-1--9
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government43161443-37211-5--1-10
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies11----1----------
Australian Research Council3-111-3----1-1--2
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation2211--4----1----1
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research671939721681-3-261--13
IP Australia1669---15----------
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian Public Service Commission61411-71---2----3
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet15564--15111-2-1--6
Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief11----1----------
National Archives of Australia851---6----------
Office of the Privacy Commissioner662040101-71--1-6----7
Resources, Energy and Tourism
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism1---1-1------2--2
Snowy Hydro Limited--1---1----------
Australian Bureau of Statistics51311161-49-21-3--118
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission328794-28----5--1-6
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority1665657583-1743-4-31525454
Australian Securities and Investments Commission15849693510-163147-82-4-26
Australian Taxation Office1,810504942114202-1,76231309-834652551280
Department of the Treasury72141-8-1--1--2-4
National Competition Council11----1----------
Productivity Commission11----1----------
Royal Australian Mint11----1----------
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal67133916--681---6----7
Tax Agents Board63--2-5----1----1
Tax Practitioner's Board31----1----------
Australian Federal Police21962682011116212226113128
Private Postal Operators113611-11----11---2
ACT Government Agencies67636716610918-6601164321221170
Approaches about Out-of-jurisdiction agencies/requests for information19,15518,787363---19,150

Thursday, 22 December 2011

If you are receiving shit from ITSA

if you are receiving shit from ITSA

If you are receiving shit from ITSA and I am aware a lot of people are, put this plan in place,
Always keep all your emails in a file so you have proof of contact,
confirm any meetings with them and what was discussed after the fact.
Remember Bankruptcy regulations is complying with the legal department to coverup any corrupt conduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act.
Mathew Osbourne Legal Officer is instructing the Manager from Bankruptcy Fraud Unit that section S134(3) allows them to refuse to investigate fraud.
Adam Toma National Manager complies with the Legal Department at ITSA to coverup all misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act and threatens you with prosecution if you continue to complain
If you make a complaint to the Ombudsman they will cover this up so ITSA can continue this conduct.
If there also was a report made it would put a a black mark against the name of veronique Ingram who worked for the OECD and ruin her career.
S15 of the Ombudsmans Act requires that corrupt conduct be exposed. Alison Larkins is no better than Alan Asher.
You need to go and see the statistics of the Ombudsman and you will observe all the Government department they are covering up corrupt conduct in . You will see anything higher than a section 4, the Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal with that department to cover this up.
I also make a point that contacting Senator John Williams is a joke. He is aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman is protecting ITSA . He loves the publicity that he is fighting ITSA and ASIC but when evidence is brought to him what is occurring he also refuses to do anything a about it….. So what is Senator John Williams hiding?

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Email to legal oficer Foi

Luke Phelps
  Senior Legal Officer

  Commonwealth Ombudsman
   22nd December 2011

Hi Luke,
          I received your letter yesterday concerning my FOI application.
I wish to be specific in what I am wanting to obtain. I want  any hand written notes  and the report made by Alison Larkins or Diane Merryfull  on the 11th November 2011 when they met with representatives of ITSA.
 Please do not have Alison Larkins or Diane Merryfull write a new report to try and coverup what transpired.
I am particularly interested in  the shortcomings the Commonwealth Ombudsman has identified in the administration of the estate  and why the Diane Merryfull considers systemic corruption is not unreasonable as written in her letter to me.
Also, as the Commonwealth Ombudsman had identified shortcoming in administration which is systemic please advise me what action the Commonwealth Ombudsman has put in place with Itsa so Senior Management will not continue this.
Obviously the system to identify breaches of the Bankruptcy Act and breaches of the APS Code of conduct and ethics is flawed because evidence of this was given to Mark Findlay( Bankkruptcy Regulation) and he felt obligated to cover these up.

This is the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ombudsman...............

We are now closing your complaint... further investigation by this office will not, in our veiw  provide you with  any better outcome.

I also remind you, and  you should remind Alison Larkins  and Diane Merryfull that they are bound by the Ombudsman Act and also the APS Act.. so knock yourself out and  also do your best to cover up this situation that has been caused by  ITSA.
Better still, if you  and  all the public servants are deeply offended about what I say about them on the internet please.... Make my day..... and take me to court!!!!! This will then expose the Systemic corrupt system that is now operating and bust the Ombudsman's practice open. In turn the Government should be extremely happy that you have exposed them to enormous liability.
Have a wonderful day
Fiona Brown