George Adler is a three time bankrupt, struck off solicitor and has spent time in jail for obtaining money with deception.
Despite all this Tibor Karolyi from ITSA allowed him to travel overseas and now he is lost to the system. It is unclear if he ever returned to Australia. It is too easy for a bankrupt to change their name and assume a new identity.
Under freedom of Information Adler's statement of Affairs is to be sought. Although it is mandatory for a statement of Affairs to be filed it is unclear if Tibor Karolyi obtained this before overseas travel. It is also a breach of the duty of a trustee (S19)to fail to have this complied with.
Also FOI will also reveal whether Tibor Karolyi extended Adlers Bankruptcy.
Tibor Karolyi's neglect of duty in this matter is atrocious. Before authorising overseas travel Karolyi would have taken statements from the bankrupt. I am aware Karolyi is not of good character and any admissions by Adler would be concealed.
Tibor Karolyi's ex-wife was a high School teacher in Sydney's West. This predator woman had an affair with one of her students. It is disturbing that Mrs Karolyi lusted after her male students.
Tibor then remarried an asian woman that worked for him at ITSA.
Tibor Karolyi now woks for Tayeh De Vries at Parramatta.
It is also unclear if Tibor Karolyi requested money from Adler before also granting travel.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Commonwealth Ombudsman statistics 2011-2012
This is the Commonwealth Ombudsmans statistics for 2011-2012.
The New Commonwealth Ombudsman is Collin Neave. He is on a salary of $380,00 to fuck over anyone who makes a complaint about Government Agencies or Departments.
He has been the Banking industry Ombudsman ( admitting he only investigated 18% of complaints) and more recently the Financial Services Ombudsman ( FOS).
With this amount of experience it is clear he has his fingers up everyone's ARSE.
The statistics this financial year do not reveal a clear picture of complaints. Instead , this fucker at the Commonwealth Ombudsman has made a decision that statistics on complaints should only be revealed on Government portfolio and not individual Departments as it has always been.
George Masri( Assistant Senior Commonwealth Ombudsman) after a FOI request on the Investigation standards of the Commonwealth Ombudsman clearly states that the " Commonwealth Ombudsman do not have an investigation Policy"
All I can say is " Keep wanking yourself George or get Colin Neave to wank you"
The New Commonwealth Ombudsman is Collin Neave. He is on a salary of $380,00 to fuck over anyone who makes a complaint about Government Agencies or Departments.
He has been the Banking industry Ombudsman ( admitting he only investigated 18% of complaints) and more recently the Financial Services Ombudsman ( FOS).
With this amount of experience it is clear he has his fingers up everyone's ARSE.
The statistics this financial year do not reveal a clear picture of complaints. Instead , this fucker at the Commonwealth Ombudsman has made a decision that statistics on complaints should only be revealed on Government portfolio and not individual Departments as it has always been.
George Masri( Assistant Senior Commonwealth Ombudsman) after a FOI request on the Investigation standards of the Commonwealth Ombudsman clearly states that the " Commonwealth Ombudsman do not have an investigation Policy"
All I can say is " Keep wanking yourself George or get Colin Neave to wank you"
appendix 3: statistics
Total Received Approaches | Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Category 4 | Category 5 | Total Finalised Approaches | |
ACT | 763 | 338 | 241 | 126 | 27 | 733 | |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | 95 | 34 | 41 | 13 | 4 | 92 | |
Attorney-General's | 569 | 257 | 238 | 73 | 27 | 595 | |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy | 4246 | 2009 | 1786 | 424 | 62 | 4281 | |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency | 99 | 31 | 29 | 27 | 13 | 100 | |
Commonwealth Parliamentary | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||||
Courts | 66 | 33 | 27 | 6 | 66 | ||
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations | 724 | 332 | 275 | 95 | 29 | 731 | |
Defence | 662 | 202 | 270 | 176 | 52 | 6 | 706 |
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs | 337 | 68 | 175 | 82 | 28 | 353 | |
Finance and Deregulation | 111 | 28 | 64 | 13 | 9 | 114 | |
Foreign Affairs and Trade | 140 | 79 | 51 | 5 | 3 | 138 | |
Health and Ageing | 162 | 64 | 65 | 31 | 4 | 164 | |
Human Services | 8967 | 4910 | 1875 | 1984 | 279 | 9048 | |
Immigration and Citizenship | 1921 | 1005 | 735 | 229 | 51 | 1 | 2021 |
Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education | 85 | 29 | 36 | 9 | 3 | 77 | |
Infrastructure and Transport | 76 | 29 | 25 | 17 | 6 | 77 | |
Prime Minister and Cabinet | 24 | 15 | 8 | 2 | 1 | 26 | |
Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport | 45 | 29 | 14 | 8 | 51 | ||
Resources, Energy and Tourism | 9 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 10 | |
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | 28 | 11 | 11 | 2 | 1 | 25 | |
Treasury | 3234 | 1386 | 1393 | 306 | 214 | 3299 | |
Out of Jurisdiction/OMB | 17101 | 16100 | 930 | 121 | 8 | 17159 | |
Overseas Student Ombudsman | 588 | 18 | 342 | 172 | 38 | 1 | 571 |
Private Postal Operators | 36 | 7 | 25 | 3 | 1 | 36 | |
GRAND TOTAL | 40092 | 27019 | 8662 | 861 | 861 | 9 | 40477 |
FINALISED | ||||||||||
REMEDIES | ||||||||||
Action expedited | Apology | Decisions changed or reconsidered | Disciplinary action | Explanation | Financial Remedy | Law, policy or practice changed | Other non-financial remedy | Remedy provided by agency without Ombudsman intervention | Grand Total | |
ACT | 15 | 13 | 13 | 6 | 102 | 3 | 733 | 12 | 12 | 176 |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | 2 | 1 | 1 | 13 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 16 |
Attorney-General's | 12 | 8 | 9 | 2 | 48 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 91 |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy | 69 | 271 | 118 | 107 | 704 | 174 | 15 | 120 | 26 | 1604 |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency | 3 | 3 | 6 | 27 | 16 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 42 |
Commonwealth Parliamentary | ||||||||||
Courts | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | ||||||
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations | 18 | 6 | 13 | 95 | 108 | 15 | 2 | 5 | 6 | 173 |
Defence | 37 | 13 | 27 | 2 | 115 | 21 | 1 | 17 | 11 | 244 |
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs | 18 | 2 | 3 | 82 | 85 | 1 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 126 |
Finance and Deregulation | 1 | 28 | 1 | 13 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 13 | |
Foreign Affairs and Trade | 1 | 1 | 8 | 2 | 12 | |||||
Health and Ageing | 5 | 1 | 2 | 31 | 16 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 30 | |
Human Services | 441 | 191 | 337 | 25 | 1265 | 474 | 20 | 106 | 140 | 2999 |
Immigration and Citizenship | 20 | 18 | 25 | 1 | 76 | 11 | 12 | 19 | 14 | 196 |
Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 10 | ||
Infrastructure and Transport | 3 | 2 | 4 | 17 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 24 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||||||
Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | |||||
Resources, Energy and Tourism | 2 | 1 | 3 | |||||||
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | ||||||
Treasury | 91 | 67 | 35 | 3 | 320 | 113 | 9 | 29 | 21 | 668 |
Out of Jurisdiction/OMB | ||||||||||
Overseas Student Ombudsman | 6 | 12 | 57 | 83 | 52 | 6 | 18 | 4 | 238 | |
Private Postal Operators | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | |||
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Whistleblower at the ATO/ Who did the Investigation?
Who did this investigation according to the AGIS? Was the investigator qualified or was this complaint investigated and handled by the fucker Robert Cornall AO who now works for Mcfarlane legal in Victoria.
Robert Cornall was secretary for the Attorney Generals department .Is this the complaint he investigated and found there was nothing to answer?
ATO whistleblower bully case points to 'tick and flick' advice
The whistleblower at the centre of court action against the Australian Taxation Office over allegations she was bullied for lodging a complaint about ATO maladministration is now personally suing the Commissioner of Taxation Michael D'Ascenzo and three other senior ranking officials in the Federal Court that threatens to expose a possible bullying culture within the upper echelons of the organisation.
This action is precedential in Australia as a whistleblower has not previously held individual public officials personally accountable under the Public Service Act 1999.
Serene Teffaha, a senior ATO lawyer engaged as a tax technical specialist, last week lodged a statement of claim in the Federal Court alleging the Commissioner of Taxation, acting on behalf of the ATO, may be vicariously liable for the wilful misconduct and culpable negligence of his public officials that include fellow respondents to the claim, first assistant Commissioner David Diment, assistant Commissioner Margot Rushton and Susanna Lombardi, national director of the small and medium enterprises division.
In 2011, Teffaha and four other senior colleagues lodged the whistleblower complaint with David Diment alleging various maladministration issues associated with the ATO's high-profile pursuit of high-wealth individual Australians worth between $100 million and $250 million a year. The complainants believed taxpayers were being disadvantaged by not having their objections to assessments dealt with in a fair and professional way.
Some of the explosive new allegations raised in the statement of claim include:
Crikey has obtained the ATO document confirming the targets. This action would have severely disadvantaged thousands of small business taxpayers; it's possible some could seek recourse through the ATO, the Inspector-General of Taxation, the Ombudsman and the courts due to this document now coming to light.
Claims David Diment interfered with the whistleblower complaint investigation -- coupled with the alleged damage by Susanna Lombardi to Teffaha's professional reputation and emotional and mental wellbeing, and Margot Rushton's directions to Teffaha to attend a medical examination with a psychiatrist -- will be the focus of the misfeasance in public office, breach of statutory duty and negligence actions outlined in the statement of claim.
Another area Teffaha's lawyers will focus on is why ATO officers referred her to a psychiatrist -- in documents also obtained by Crikey -- within two weeks of lodging her whistleblower complaint, without her knowledge. "Until I received the documents I requested under the Freedom Of Information Act I had absolutely no knowledge that they wanted to send me to a psychiatrist so soon after lodging my complaint," Teffaha told Crikey.
JA James holds legal qualifications and specialises in public policy, and studied public sector whistleblowing and workplace bullying during her postgraduate studies last year before creating the website She told Crikey: "The compulsory medical referral powers under the Public Service Regulations have been abused by senior APS officials in an attempt to discredit whistleblowers' mental state, undermine their whistleblowing complaint and inflict grave emotional distress. This pernicious practice is masked by the APS as a form of 'compassion'. Such spin automatically puts whistleblowers on the backfoot."
Crikey reported in September the ATO had offered Teffaha a $250,000 cash settlement to walk away from the litigation. She was prepared to accept the offer and release the commissioner of taxation from his vicarious liability as long as she was not barred from pursuing the senior public officials personally for their misconduct against her. The ATO refused to settle on that basis.
"My motivation is not money -- just accountability," she said. "It is perplexing the lengths the Commonwealth will go to, to protect the wrongdoers. Unfortunately for the Commonwealth, they are now risking a whole lot more than just money."
Two recent court cases indicate D'Ascenzo (who will leave the role at the end of this year, to be replaced by Chris Jordon) and the government should be concerned about the latest development in the Teffaha case. The James Ashby and Peter Slipper affair provides a clear example that the courts are no longer willing to allow public officials to hide behind the Commonwealth and its agencies. Last month after Ashby settled with the Commonwealth, Slipper attempted to run the argument he had no case to answer given the release that Ashby was entering into with the Commonwealth. Justice Steven Rares said Slipper was mistaken if he believed the case would just go away as he could not dismiss the case against him:
And the landmark decision of the New South Wales Supreme Court earlier this month in the Gillian Sneddon case provides another example of how courts may make the tax chief vicariously liable for the actions of his officers. Sneddon was the whistleblower in the former Labor minister Milton Orkopoulos child s-x case. The Court of Appeal ruled the government was liable for Orkopoulos' conduct as it occurred while he was "in the service of the Crown".
The ATO can't comment on a case before court. Crikey put a number of questions to David Bradbury, the Assistant Treasurer with parliamentary responsibility for administrative matters relating to the ATO, on the objection targets that could disadvantage small business taxpayers and the use of public money to fund the legal fees for the alleged wrongdoers. A spokesperson said: "Administrative and operational matters within the ATO are a matter for the Commissioner."
Send your tips to or submit them anonymously here.
Robert Cornall was secretary for the Attorney Generals department .Is this the complaint he investigated and found there was nothing to answer?
ATO whistleblower bully case points to 'tick and flick' advice
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CHRIS SEAGE Tax consultant and former ATO audit manager | | EMAIL | COMMENT |
The whistleblower at the centre of court action against the Australian Taxation Office over allegations she was bullied for lodging a complaint about ATO maladministration is now personally suing the Commissioner of Taxation Michael D'Ascenzo and three other senior ranking officials in the Federal Court that threatens to expose a possible bullying culture within the upper echelons of the organisation.
This action is precedential in Australia as a whistleblower has not previously held individual public officials personally accountable under the Public Service Act 1999.
Serene Teffaha, a senior ATO lawyer engaged as a tax technical specialist, last week lodged a statement of claim in the Federal Court alleging the Commissioner of Taxation, acting on behalf of the ATO, may be vicariously liable for the wilful misconduct and culpable negligence of his public officials that include fellow respondents to the claim, first assistant Commissioner David Diment, assistant Commissioner Margot Rushton and Susanna Lombardi, national director of the small and medium enterprises division.
In 2011, Teffaha and four other senior colleagues lodged the whistleblower complaint with David Diment alleging various maladministration issues associated with the ATO's high-profile pursuit of high-wealth individual Australians worth between $100 million and $250 million a year. The complainants believed taxpayers were being disadvantaged by not having their objections to assessments dealt with in a fair and professional way.
Some of the explosive new allegations raised in the statement of claim include:
- The ATO issued staff a formal target of ensuring taxpayer objections to audit decisions were upheld in less than 20% of cases, irrespective of merit (that is, the target was to disallow 80% of taxpayers' objections)
- Original decision makers of audits exerted influence over the ATO officers with responsibility for determining objections, with the intention of procuring disallowance of these objections
- Teffaha and others were instructed by Susanna Lombardi that the ATO's audit decisions should receive a "tick and flick" and affirm those decisions without appropriate consideration of the merits of each individual taxpayer's objection.
Crikey has obtained the ATO document confirming the targets. This action would have severely disadvantaged thousands of small business taxpayers; it's possible some could seek recourse through the ATO, the Inspector-General of Taxation, the Ombudsman and the courts due to this document now coming to light.
Claims David Diment interfered with the whistleblower complaint investigation -- coupled with the alleged damage by Susanna Lombardi to Teffaha's professional reputation and emotional and mental wellbeing, and Margot Rushton's directions to Teffaha to attend a medical examination with a psychiatrist -- will be the focus of the misfeasance in public office, breach of statutory duty and negligence actions outlined in the statement of claim.
Another area Teffaha's lawyers will focus on is why ATO officers referred her to a psychiatrist -- in documents also obtained by Crikey -- within two weeks of lodging her whistleblower complaint, without her knowledge. "Until I received the documents I requested under the Freedom Of Information Act I had absolutely no knowledge that they wanted to send me to a psychiatrist so soon after lodging my complaint," Teffaha told Crikey.
JA James holds legal qualifications and specialises in public policy, and studied public sector whistleblowing and workplace bullying during her postgraduate studies last year before creating the website She told Crikey: "The compulsory medical referral powers under the Public Service Regulations have been abused by senior APS officials in an attempt to discredit whistleblowers' mental state, undermine their whistleblowing complaint and inflict grave emotional distress. This pernicious practice is masked by the APS as a form of 'compassion'. Such spin automatically puts whistleblowers on the backfoot."
Crikey reported in September the ATO had offered Teffaha a $250,000 cash settlement to walk away from the litigation. She was prepared to accept the offer and release the commissioner of taxation from his vicarious liability as long as she was not barred from pursuing the senior public officials personally for their misconduct against her. The ATO refused to settle on that basis.
"My motivation is not money -- just accountability," she said. "It is perplexing the lengths the Commonwealth will go to, to protect the wrongdoers. Unfortunately for the Commonwealth, they are now risking a whole lot more than just money."
Two recent court cases indicate D'Ascenzo (who will leave the role at the end of this year, to be replaced by Chris Jordon) and the government should be concerned about the latest development in the Teffaha case. The James Ashby and Peter Slipper affair provides a clear example that the courts are no longer willing to allow public officials to hide behind the Commonwealth and its agencies. Last month after Ashby settled with the Commonwealth, Slipper attempted to run the argument he had no case to answer given the release that Ashby was entering into with the Commonwealth. Justice Steven Rares said Slipper was mistaken if he believed the case would just go away as he could not dismiss the case against him:
"I can't do that Mr Slipper -- there's a complaint against you that you s-xually harassed Mr Ashby and that is at the moment unresolved. I can't dismiss that case that is unresolved. I can't get rid of them just because Mr Ashby and the Commonwealth [may] settle. You are locked in this."The Commonwealth spent well over $770,000 in fighting Ashby and supporting Slipper. Ultimately they settled Ashby's claims, but not without great expense to the taxpayer.
And the landmark decision of the New South Wales Supreme Court earlier this month in the Gillian Sneddon case provides another example of how courts may make the tax chief vicariously liable for the actions of his officers. Sneddon was the whistleblower in the former Labor minister Milton Orkopoulos child s-x case. The Court of Appeal ruled the government was liable for Orkopoulos' conduct as it occurred while he was "in the service of the Crown".
The ATO can't comment on a case before court. Crikey put a number of questions to David Bradbury, the Assistant Treasurer with parliamentary responsibility for administrative matters relating to the ATO, on the objection targets that could disadvantage small business taxpayers and the use of public money to fund the legal fees for the alleged wrongdoers. A spokesperson said: "Administrative and operational matters within the ATO are a matter for the Commissioner."
Send your tips to or submit them anonymously here.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Robert CornallCV/McFarlane Legal
Robert Cornall 's picture promoting his services at McFarlane legal solicitors clearly there is obviously something bizarly wrong with him.
It appears that it has been photoshopped.
Alternatively his appearance may be explained that he is constipated or his fist could be stuck up his arse.
In 2011-2012 Mr Cornall was requested by Commissioner Sedgwick to review a referral of Agency Head under S41(f) of the APS Act.
All previous referrals had been fucked over by Commissioner Sedgwick and the skank Karin Fisher.
Robert Cornall who received an AO ( order of Australia) for licking arses failed to comply with the standards of the AGIS and also fucked over this complaint. It would have been interesting to find if the Agency Head referred under S41(f) APS Act had been from the Attorney Generals Portfolio where this fucker had been secretary.
This matter was a serious conflict of interest.
An investigation requires impartiality be maintained. This impartiality cannot be assured when this fucker is an adviser to the Government.
I bring to your attention this appointment which developed the AGIS. Since this old fucker was chair for this committee then then there is no conceivable reason he is not aware of the procedures other than use his experience to cover up complaints for the Government.
Also he would be aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman which was in the Attorney Generals portfolio to which he was secretary had no investigation policy. This only shows what a shonk he actually is .
It appears that it has been photoshopped.
Alternatively his appearance may be explained that he is constipated or his fist could be stuck up his arse.
In 2011-2012 Mr Cornall was requested by Commissioner Sedgwick to review a referral of Agency Head under S41(f) of the APS Act.
All previous referrals had been fucked over by Commissioner Sedgwick and the skank Karin Fisher.
Robert Cornall who received an AO ( order of Australia) for licking arses failed to comply with the standards of the AGIS and also fucked over this complaint. It would have been interesting to find if the Agency Head referred under S41(f) APS Act had been from the Attorney Generals Portfolio where this fucker had been secretary.
This matter was a serious conflict of interest.
An investigation requires impartiality be maintained. This impartiality cannot be assured when this fucker is an adviser to the Government.
I bring to your attention this appointment which developed the AGIS. Since this old fucker was chair for this committee then then there is no conceivable reason he is not aware of the procedures other than use his experience to cover up complaints for the Government.
Also he would be aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman which was in the Attorney Generals portfolio to which he was secretary had no investigation policy. This only shows what a shonk he actually is .
Chair – Heads of Commonwealth Operational Law Enforcement Agencies (HOCOLEA) 2000
– 2008
Robert Cornall AO has over 40 years experience as a solicitor, a legal
administrator, a legal policy maker and in February 2010 commenced as a
commercial mediator with McFarlane Legal, Dispute Resolution,
During his 15 years as a partner of the firm now known as Middletons
(1972 – 1987), Rob had a wide ranging general practice with an emphasis
on commercial law, insurance, property development and wills and estate
He broadened his legal knowledge and experience in the fields of
professional representation and regulation as Executive Director and
Secretary of the Law Institute of Victoria (1987 - 1995), in legal
administration as Managing Director of Victoria Legal Aid (1995 – 2000)
and in the development and implementation of legal policy as Secretary of
the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (2000 – 2008).
Rob was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in January 2006 for
service to the community through contributions to the development of public
policy, particularly counter-terrorism arrangements in a changing global
security environment and through providing advice and governance across
a diverse range of responsibilities within the civil justice system.
Admitted Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and of the High Court of
Australia in 1969. Subsequently also admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New
South Wales.
McFarlane Legal Dispute Resolution 2010 to date
Advisor to several Federal Government agencies 2008 to date
Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department 2000 to 2008
Victoria Legal Aid 1995 to 2000
Law Institute of Victoria 1987 to 1995
Oswald Burt & Co and Middletons Oswald Burt 1972 to 1987
Oswald Burt & Co 1969 to 1972
Rob first conducted mediations during the Supreme Court’s drive to reduce the backlog of
cases awaiting trial in the Spring Offensive in the early 1990s.
Rob is accredited under the National Mediator Accreditation System.
He commenced with McFarlane Legal Dispute Resolution in February 2010 and has, since
then, mediated in a wide range of areas, including commercial disputes, contract law,
testator’s family maintenance, receivership debt recovery, sale of business and professional
During his 19 years as an employee and partner of the firm now known as Middletons (1972 –
1987), Rob had a wide ranging general practice with an emphasis on commercial law,
insurance, property development and wills and estate planning.
In addition to his extensive experience as a legal practitioner, Rob brings a unique range of
experience in the development and administration of the law to McFarlane Legal Dispute
As Executive Director of the Law Institute of Victoria he was closely involved with all aspects
of the Institute’s representation of Victorian solicitors and, as Secretary, he was responsible
for the management of complaints against and discipline of Victorian practitioners.
When he was appointed the first Managing Director of Victoria Legal Aid, the statutory agency
which replaced the former Legal Aid Commission of Victoria, he was charged by both the
Australian and Victorian Governments with the significant task of restructuring the
organisation to bring its performance and achievements more closely into line with
government expectations.
Rob was Secretary of the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department during one
of the most dramatic and significant periods in the Department’s history since 1 January 1901.
As the portfolio department primarily responsible for national security, the Attorney-General’s
Department took the lead in many aspects of the Australian response to the terrorist attacks
in the United States on September 11, 2001 and on Australians in Bali one year later. In
addition, the Department greatly increased its range of activities and responsibilities across
many areas of law and government administration during Rob’s term as Secretary.
Independent Reviewer – Appointed by the Prime Minister, the Hon Julia Gillard, MP to review
the Australian Intelligence Community with Associate Professor Rufus Black – 2011
Reviewer appointed by the Australian Government Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
to conduct a Study into Protecting Consumers, Business and the Community Online – 2011
Chair – Federal Court of Australia Audit Committee (2011 – 2014)
Chair – Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority Advisory Board 2009 – 2011
Acting Integrity Commissioner, Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity ( several
Member – National Legal Profession Reform Consultative Group (2009 – 2010)
Independent Reviewer – General Insurance Code of Practice Review (June – November
Mentor, National Security Executive Development Pilot Program (October – November 2009)
Reviewer – undertaking a review of a significant national security issue for the Australian
Government Attorney-General and the National Security Committee of Cabinet (September
2008 – June 2009)
Chair – Heads of Commonwealth Operational Law Enforcement Agencies (HOCOLEA) 2000
– 2008
Chair – Australian Emergency Management Committee from commencement to 2008
Chair – Australian Government’s Review of Australia’s Counter-terrorism Arrangements,
October 2001
President – Institute of Public Administration Australia (ACT Division) 2002 – 2004
Member – Australian Government Secretaries Committee on National Security 2000 – 2008
Board member – Australian Crime Commission 2003 – 2008
Council member – National Judicial College of Australia 2002 – 2007
Member – Administrative Review Council 2000 – 2009
Trustee – Northcote Trust Fund 1980 – 2000
Councillor – Hawthorn Institute of Education 1984 – 1986
Director – Skilled Drivers of Australia Limited 1981 – 1993
Appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in January 2006 for service to the community
through contributions to the development of public policy, particularly counter-terrorism
arrangements in a changing global security environment and through providing advice and
governance across a diverse range of responsibilities within the civil justice system.
Centenary Medal
Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia
Certificate of Service for significant contribution to the legal profession and the Law Institute of
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Friday, 23 November 2012
NSW Crime Commission misconduct/Similarities to ITSA
This is from the Sydney Daily Telegraph and refers to an investigation into the NSW Crime Commission.
This shows what occurs when there is no compliance with the required Legislation.
Also it should be noted that "top investigator" Mark Standen was jailed for 22 years in 2011. Clearly it should be asked who at the NSW Crime Commission turned a blind eye to the corruption
Also how many complaints about the Crime Commission were fucked over by the NSW Ombudsman.
The chief solicitor at the NSW Crime Commission Mr John Giorgutti and the crime Commission's boss Phillip Bradley had unfortunately misinterpreted the Legislation.
However Jerrol Cripps QC, former Judge at the Supreme Court, former Head of NSW ICAC , Acting Police Integity Commissioner to name some found there was no misconduct or corrupt conduct and their misconduct was genuinely done ( whatever the fuck that means)
It only goes to prove my point that Supreme Court Judges like to wank their own cocks too.
The similarities in the report tabled in the NSW Parliament this week and the Insolvency Trustee Service show that if there is no appropriate and mandatory checks done on Government Agencies there is a high probability for corruption to occur.
Matthew Osborne who is the Principal Legal Officer at ITSA has been reported to the Commonwealth Ombudsman for deliberately advising trustees how to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
However as I have already said, the Senior Assistant Ombudsman George Masri has told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy. Obviously Masri also enjoys wanking his cock.
It also will be interesting when I start doing property searches on Senior Management at ITSA. It should also be particularly interesting to find out how some property was acquired
ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.
The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.
Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.
The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.
He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.
However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.
The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.
The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.
Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.
The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.
In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.
Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.
Dressed in the prison greens that will now be his uniform until at least 2024, Standen sat impassively in the dock of the Supreme Court as Justice James spent nearly two hours detailing his plot with former food wholesaler Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty and his one-time informant and drug trafficker James Kinch.
Skip to end of sidebar.
One fax undid a top cop
"A matter seriously aggravating the prisoner's criminality was his misuse of knowledge and contacts he had acquired in his career as a law enforcement officer and the abuse of his position with the NSW Crime Commission," the judge said.
"As an assistant director of investigations with the NSW Crime Commission, one of his duties was to investigate drug trafficking, that is, criminal conduct of the very sort in which he engaged.
"(His) motive was clearly financial gain for himself ... not for the purchase of luxury items, but to clear himself of his debts.
"I take these matters into account. However ... they afford little mitigation (because) the amount of money which the prisoner anticipated receiving as his remuneration went far beyond the amount required to pay off his debts."
Standen has been in custody since his high-profile arrest in June 2008. Backdating of his 16 year non-parole period means he will be eligible for release on June 1, 2024.
Justice James said Standen "had a long and successful career as a law enforcement officer (and) he has suffered extra-curial punishment in the loss of his career and in public disgrace and humiliation".
Standen's two brothers attended most of his long trial, and were in court yesterday to hear the final chapter.
Standen acknowledged them before he was led away by sheriffs, completing his spectacular downfall from respected senior drug investigator to convicted criminal.
This shows what occurs when there is no compliance with the required Legislation.
Also it should be noted that "top investigator" Mark Standen was jailed for 22 years in 2011. Clearly it should be asked who at the NSW Crime Commission turned a blind eye to the corruption
Also how many complaints about the Crime Commission were fucked over by the NSW Ombudsman.
The chief solicitor at the NSW Crime Commission Mr John Giorgutti and the crime Commission's boss Phillip Bradley had unfortunately misinterpreted the Legislation.
However Jerrol Cripps QC, former Judge at the Supreme Court, former Head of NSW ICAC , Acting Police Integity Commissioner to name some found there was no misconduct or corrupt conduct and their misconduct was genuinely done ( whatever the fuck that means)
It only goes to prove my point that Supreme Court Judges like to wank their own cocks too.
The similarities in the report tabled in the NSW Parliament this week and the Insolvency Trustee Service show that if there is no appropriate and mandatory checks done on Government Agencies there is a high probability for corruption to occur.
Matthew Osborne who is the Principal Legal Officer at ITSA has been reported to the Commonwealth Ombudsman for deliberately advising trustees how to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
However as I have already said, the Senior Assistant Ombudsman George Masri has told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy. Obviously Masri also enjoys wanking his cock.
It also will be interesting when I start doing property searches on Senior Management at ITSA. It should also be particularly interesting to find out how some property was acquired
ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.
The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.
Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.
The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.
He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.
However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.
The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.
The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.
Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.
The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.
In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.
Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.
- .FORMER police officer Mark Standen yesterday joined the worst of those he has locked up in Long Bay - jailed for at least 16 years for his role in a drug importation plot. The 54-year-old one-time assistant director of the NSW Crime Commission was a shadow of his former self as Justice Bruce James handed down a sentence of 22 years, noting Standen had shown "no remorse" for his crime.
In August, Standen was found guilty by a Supreme Court jury of conspiring to import 300kg of pseudoephedrine - used in the manufacture of the illicit drugs speed and ice - as well as taking part in the supply of the substance and conspiring to pervert the course of justice.Disgraced cop Mark Standen jailed
Dressed in the prison greens that will now be his uniform until at least 2024, Standen sat impassively in the dock of the Supreme Court as Justice James spent nearly two hours detailing his plot with former food wholesaler Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty and his one-time informant and drug trafficker James Kinch.
Start of sidebar.
Recommended Coverage
BUT for a single-page fax sent from a kiosk north of Amsterdam, the life and crimes of Mark Standen would never have been known.
End of sidebar.
Justice James said Standen was motivated by growing debts to take part in the plot that stood to earn him millions of dollars. At a sentencing hearing for Standen last month, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC said "it was hard to conceive a more grave breach of trust", given his senior position at the NSW Crime Commission - an "abuse" that was taken into account by Justice James."A matter seriously aggravating the prisoner's criminality was his misuse of knowledge and contacts he had acquired in his career as a law enforcement officer and the abuse of his position with the NSW Crime Commission," the judge said.
"As an assistant director of investigations with the NSW Crime Commission, one of his duties was to investigate drug trafficking, that is, criminal conduct of the very sort in which he engaged.
"(His) motive was clearly financial gain for himself ... not for the purchase of luxury items, but to clear himself of his debts.
"I take these matters into account. However ... they afford little mitigation (because) the amount of money which the prisoner anticipated receiving as his remuneration went far beyond the amount required to pay off his debts."
Standen has been in custody since his high-profile arrest in June 2008. Backdating of his 16 year non-parole period means he will be eligible for release on June 1, 2024.
Justice James said Standen "had a long and successful career as a law enforcement officer (and) he has suffered extra-curial punishment in the loss of his career and in public disgrace and humiliation".
Standen's two brothers attended most of his long trial, and were in court yesterday to hear the final chapter.
Standen acknowledged them before he was led away by sheriffs, completing his spectacular downfall from respected senior drug investigator to convicted criminal.
NSW Crime Commission misconduct/Similarities to ITSA
This is from the Sydney Daily Telegraph and refers to an investigation into the NSW Crime Commission.
This shows what occurs when there is no compliance with the required Legislation.
Also it should be noted that "top investigator" Mark Standen was jailed for 22 years in 2011. Clearly it should be asked who at the NSW Crime Commission turned a blind eye to the corruption
Also how many complaints about the Crime Commission were fucked over by the NSW Ombudsman.
The chief solicitor at the NSW Crime Commission Mr John Giorgutti and the crime Commission's boss Phillip Bradley had unfortunately misinterpreted the Legislation.
However Jerrol Cripps QC, former Judge at the Supreme Court, former Head of NSW ICAC , Acting Police Integity Commissioner to name some found there was no misconduct or corrupt conduct and their misconduct was genuinely done ( whatever the fuck that means)
It only goes to prove my point that Supreme Court Judges like to wank their own cocks too.
The similarities in the report tabled in the NSW Parliament this week and the Insolvency Trustee Service show that if there is no appropriate and mandatory checks done on Government Agencies there is a high probability for corruption to occur.
Matthew Osborne who is the Principal Legal Officer at ITSA has been reported to the Commonwealth Ombudsman for deliberately advising trustees how to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
However as I have already said, the Senior Assistant Ombudsman George Masri has told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy. Obviously Masri also enjoys wanking his cock.
It also will be interesting when I start doing property searches on Senior Management at ITSA. It should also be particularly interesting to find out how some property was acquired
ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.
The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.
Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.
The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.
He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.
However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.
The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.
The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.
Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.
The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.
In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.
Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.
Dressed in the prison greens that will now be his uniform until at least 2024, Standen sat impassively in the dock of the Supreme Court as Justice James spent nearly two hours detailing his plot with former food wholesaler Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty and his one-time informant and drug trafficker James Kinch.
Skip to end of sidebar.
One fax undid a top cop
"A matter seriously aggravating the prisoner's criminality was his misuse of knowledge and contacts he had acquired in his career as a law enforcement officer and the abuse of his position with the NSW Crime Commission," the judge said.
"As an assistant director of investigations with the NSW Crime Commission, one of his duties was to investigate drug trafficking, that is, criminal conduct of the very sort in which he engaged.
"(His) motive was clearly financial gain for himself ... not for the purchase of luxury items, but to clear himself of his debts.
"I take these matters into account. However ... they afford little mitigation (because) the amount of money which the prisoner anticipated receiving as his remuneration went far beyond the amount required to pay off his debts."
Standen has been in custody since his high-profile arrest in June 2008. Backdating of his 16 year non-parole period means he will be eligible for release on June 1, 2024.
Justice James said Standen "had a long and successful career as a law enforcement officer (and) he has suffered extra-curial punishment in the loss of his career and in public disgrace and humiliation".
Standen's two brothers attended most of his long trial, and were in court yesterday to hear the final chapter.
Standen acknowledged them before he was led away by sheriffs, completing his spectacular downfall from respected senior drug investigator to convicted criminal.
This shows what occurs when there is no compliance with the required Legislation.
Also it should be noted that "top investigator" Mark Standen was jailed for 22 years in 2011. Clearly it should be asked who at the NSW Crime Commission turned a blind eye to the corruption
Also how many complaints about the Crime Commission were fucked over by the NSW Ombudsman.
The chief solicitor at the NSW Crime Commission Mr John Giorgutti and the crime Commission's boss Phillip Bradley had unfortunately misinterpreted the Legislation.
However Jerrol Cripps QC, former Judge at the Supreme Court, former Head of NSW ICAC , Acting Police Integity Commissioner to name some found there was no misconduct or corrupt conduct and their misconduct was genuinely done ( whatever the fuck that means)
It only goes to prove my point that Supreme Court Judges like to wank their own cocks too.
The similarities in the report tabled in the NSW Parliament this week and the Insolvency Trustee Service show that if there is no appropriate and mandatory checks done on Government Agencies there is a high probability for corruption to occur.
Matthew Osborne who is the Principal Legal Officer at ITSA has been reported to the Commonwealth Ombudsman for deliberately advising trustees how to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
However as I have already said, the Senior Assistant Ombudsman George Masri has told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy. Obviously Masri also enjoys wanking his cock.
It also will be interesting when I start doing property searches on Senior Management at ITSA. It should also be particularly interesting to find out how some property was acquired
ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.
The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.
Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.
The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.
He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.
However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.
The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.
The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.
Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.
The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.
In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.
Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.
- .FORMER police officer Mark Standen yesterday joined the worst of those he has locked up in Long Bay - jailed for at least 16 years for his role in a drug importation plot. The 54-year-old one-time assistant director of the NSW Crime Commission was a shadow of his former self as Justice Bruce James handed down a sentence of 22 years, noting Standen had shown "no remorse" for his crime.
In August, Standen was found guilty by a Supreme Court jury of conspiring to import 300kg of pseudoephedrine - used in the manufacture of the illicit drugs speed and ice - as well as taking part in the supply of the substance and conspiring to pervert the course of justice.Disgraced cop Mark Standen jailed
Dressed in the prison greens that will now be his uniform until at least 2024, Standen sat impassively in the dock of the Supreme Court as Justice James spent nearly two hours detailing his plot with former food wholesaler Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty and his one-time informant and drug trafficker James Kinch.
Start of sidebar.
Recommended Coverage
BUT for a single-page fax sent from a kiosk north of Amsterdam, the life and crimes of Mark Standen would never have been known.
End of sidebar.
Justice James said Standen was motivated by growing debts to take part in the plot that stood to earn him millions of dollars. At a sentencing hearing for Standen last month, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC said "it was hard to conceive a more grave breach of trust", given his senior position at the NSW Crime Commission - an "abuse" that was taken into account by Justice James."A matter seriously aggravating the prisoner's criminality was his misuse of knowledge and contacts he had acquired in his career as a law enforcement officer and the abuse of his position with the NSW Crime Commission," the judge said.
"As an assistant director of investigations with the NSW Crime Commission, one of his duties was to investigate drug trafficking, that is, criminal conduct of the very sort in which he engaged.
"(His) motive was clearly financial gain for himself ... not for the purchase of luxury items, but to clear himself of his debts.
"I take these matters into account. However ... they afford little mitigation (because) the amount of money which the prisoner anticipated receiving as his remuneration went far beyond the amount required to pay off his debts."
Standen has been in custody since his high-profile arrest in June 2008. Backdating of his 16 year non-parole period means he will be eligible for release on June 1, 2024.
Justice James said Standen "had a long and successful career as a law enforcement officer (and) he has suffered extra-curial punishment in the loss of his career and in public disgrace and humiliation".
Standen's two brothers attended most of his long trial, and were in court yesterday to hear the final chapter.
Standen acknowledged them before he was led away by sheriffs, completing his spectacular downfall from respected senior drug investigator to convicted criminal.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Attorney General investigation standards/ Attorney Generals disclosure Log
This is a copy of the Attorney Generals Investigation Standards as required by the Financial Management and accountability Act.
It was obtained under Freedom of Information.
A special note should be made that both the Australian Public Service Commission ( who has the responsibility of Whistleblowers complaints and referral of Agency Heads under S41(f) and the Commonwealth Ombudsman who according to the wanker assistant Senior Ombudsman George Masri does not need an investigation policy because it( Commonwealth Ombudsman ) does not do investigations.
These pages can be enlarged for easier reading.
It is also particularly interesting that pages 28, 29 and 30 of the Attorney Generals Investigation Standards refer to the directions of the Public Service Commissioner.
***Basic requirements for procedures for Determining breaches of Code of conduct.***
It is also required under S5.4 that persons making determination must be independent and unbiased.
This would disqualify any Agency or Department Heads from the investigation or determination process.
In the matter where the fucker Robert Cornall AO who received this AO for licking arses did an investigation for the APSC , there is an obvious conflict of interest, as this cock works for the Attorney General Department.
Helen Daniels was responsible in doing an investigation into atrocious conduct by Senior Management at ITSA in 2011. Not only was this skank biased because of her initial decision that the complaint had no grounds or merit despite a document and file that was 1,200 pages that she had not looked at,she eventually made the decision that it should dealt with by the Commonwealth Ombudsman who on their own admission has no investigation policy. Her failure to adequately comply with the Investigation Standards of the Attorney General's Department shows that Helen Daniels “ needs a night with a Truckie”
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